Monday, 17 November 2014

Session 12 - the beginning to a better understanding of the future

Brief Overview/Summary of the themes/topics addressed during the session
This session wrapped up the TWC module.

The groups covered quite a number of things including Internet of Things, Satellites, Biotechnology and Green Architecture. Some of which were discussed in class previously and I thought the recap of these topics were a good way to put a full stop to the module.

Interesting Observations and Ideas (ideas and concepts that captured your attention)


What is the Internet of Things? (I)

The group presented about the various benefits and implications of the Internet of Things, including smart homes; smart office; journey time prediction; sustainability; improved health care, etc. Professor Shahi and other students have touched on this theme quite frequently in the past few sessions. This shows how prevalent this technology has become in this modern world.

It was quite interesting to explore in depth about this technology through the group’s website. Basically, the Internet of things is a fascinating technology, in which our physical objects communicate with each other and is able to work in a way that complement our needs.

What is the Internet of Things? (II)

In particular, I am very much looking forward to smart home technology. With devices being able to familiarise with our preferences and our daily needs, life would definitely simplified and easier. Comfort and ease would truly be within the reach of our fingertips.

Smart Home 

I think it is quite exciting that technology has progressed to the extent that we can modify it to meet our wants and request. These technologies are something so familiar to us because we often ask for the existence for such technologies in the past and even, today.

It all starts with simply asking questions like “Can my home prepare meals for me?” or “Can my home tell me who’s at home?” or even “Can my home clean itself when I am out?” – and there will be a market for this technology.

Based on the website, the “Internet of everything” could be something of the future. It is in my opinion that when everything becomes interconnect, our lives will become more open. And when that time comes, technology like Facebook or Twitter will not be seen as a big deal in the context of exposing our privacy. Though there may be many controversial issues that come with this, the benefits will be immeasurable.

I think Mark Zukerberg said it right - Facebook was not originally created to be a company. I taw built to accomplish a social mission - to make the world more open and connect. 


The group covered issues regarding GM food, designer babies and cloning. What caught my attention was that despite people entirely informed of GMO technology, they did not believe in it. I suppose this is the “resistance” of the late adopters of technology (given GMO has been around for a long while already).

Like what I raised in the Q & A section, I do believe that GM food will become a necessity in future. This is because of the rapid population growth and the various measures to increase this rate. GM food would help to resolve the nutrition problem and food supply problem in many developing countries, which are plagued with starvation due to natural disasters.

I think that designer babies and cloning do have their social implications. These technologies have been a common topic of discussion for a while now, and even though I have my reservations about them, I do think that there is a practical perspective to these controversial technologies. From a practical perspective, I think these technologies can indeed help to extend human lives and improve human beings. And this is something that many have been searching for, since the past.

However, it is a question of how we want to live our lives and whether we are ready to live with the changes and implications that this technology may bring.


I enjoyed this presentation thoroughly. I learnt plenty of new things.

Before this presentation, I was unaware that Singapore had buildings that were using solar energy to power the electricity supply in the shopping mall. Innovative technology such as collecting rainwater to water the plants and flushing toilets are also built in these buildings.  Some example include 313 @ Somerset, City Square Mall, PARKROYAL, etc.

I think that the sustainable efforts are truly commendable. This shows that the path towards sustainability has in fact, started. It is not just talks, but real action has taken place.

I loved the group’s proposal. It was really creative, especially the way they presented it in class.

Green architecture has become very important to Singapore because of the scarcity of land. If we want to create a sustainable city, there is a need to infuse this sustainable technology into our buildings. This is mainly because we are unable to sacrifice these buildings to make space for forests/ greenery due to our limited land.

Key Take Away Points (the 2 or 3 key messages from the session that you intend to keep in mind going forward)

1) There are many things discussed in class that are happening concurrently on a day-to-day basis.

2) We may not be aware of what is happening in the labs, institutions or organisations (where research is conducted), but we have to keep up to date about the latest technology and the success/ implications, so that we can be prepared for the changes.

For example, on 12 Nov 2014 ET, there was a breakthrough in space technology. A spacecraft from Earth landed on the face of a speeding comet in space and it is able to communicate with scientists on Earth. Such technology can help us learn about our universe, the space, and more about Earth, and even about how everything came about. Mysteries about comets can be revealed

But what is interesting about this issue is that our communication technology has become so advanced such that we are able to communicate with a spacecraft that is moving through space at a fast rate.

Furthermore, the spacecraft had travelled 10 years and had been harnessing energy from the sun to sustain itself in its space travels. This shows how advance our space technology is today.

(The following are interesting articles that talk in details about the spacecraft landing on the comet)

Personal Ratings for Session (how you would rate the session on a scale of 0 to 10. Feel free to be as subjective as you like in your assessment)
I enjoyed this last session. I would rate it a 7/10. It might not have been the most fruitful one, but I thought it ended with a good note.