Friday, 7 November 2014

Session 11 - knowledge is limitless - so is technology.

Brief Overview/Summary of the themes/topics addressed during the session
This week marked the start of group presentation.

As usual Professor Shahi started off the session with several quotes.

“You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know”
- Oscar Wilde

Often, we underestimate ourselves with depth of knowledge we hold. Yet, knowledge is such a diverse thing, that we can barely grasp every aspect of it. There is always more to learn and discover. I think this is rather true in many situations. For many, I believe, every lesson learnt is akin to fresh knowledge gained. Knowledge is truly a fascinating thing with limitless possibilities.

Interesting Observations and Ideas (ideas and concepts that captured your attention)

Virtual Reality was a topic presented by a group. I thought it was rather interesting to hear about the various applications of virtual reality. It was especially exciting to find out more about how virtual reality can benefit the healthcare sector. It is easy to imagine the uses of virtual reality in business, education or application. However, innovation has brought virtual reality to the use of healthcare. And this is applaudable. I do agree that virtual reality in healthcare will take it to great heights.

The website also featured future applications of virtual reality. Some included using virtual reality as a substitute of air travel; using virtual reality as a platform for story telling; and using virtual reality to curb loneliness in one’s love and sexual life.

This topic allowed me to think about how we may possibly lead our lives in future – with virtual reality in place. I do not know how much virtual reality can replace many realities in life. But if this is to a great degree, I think one question to ask is whether this is a good or bad thing. Are we going to erase all forms of reality to immerse ourselves into a virtual world, just because it is easier and more convenient?

What seems real may end up becoming a disappointment when we remove the oculus rift and return to reality. Will there be an addiction to a virtual reality when this happens – when people reject the limitations in reality and escape to the virtual world to enjoy the “benefits”?

I understand that we have to embrace change and the future that comes with it. But, I personally think that it is rather frightening that our future is as such. The virtual world becoming a prominent one seems to provide people a false hope to live in utopia.

I think that the reason our lives are so interesting and exciting is we experience all forms of emotions and we work hard to achieve happiness. But, with a virtual reality, where we can lead a second, easy life, will all enjoyment in life be reduced to null? Or will this technology simply redefine the enjoyments in life? I supposed this is why this technology is a disruptive one. It does in fact have the ability to change how we live in future.

Eugenics was another intriguing topic presented. So, what is eugenics?

Eugenics is the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. 

Indeed, there have been many controversial issues that were raised in this name.

The group covered historical events like “The Holocaust” and “Social Darwinism” that led to various eugenic movements.

I find it enthralling to learn more about the future applications of eugenics because I am curious where this controversial subject can lead us to in future.  Future applications include policing crimes. I find this idea an interesting one for I have rarely heard of it. By being able to identify genes of people that are tied to violent crimes, the relevant authorities can keep a closer lookout and provide psychological help before they commit any crimes, thereby serving as a preventive tool.

Yet, this can lead to discrimination and outcast situations if not used with caution.

Other future considerations brought up include familiar ideas like designer babies. I like that the group pointed out that we might end up with either a utopian or dystopia future with this technology. Thus, we must take caution.

I think this topic raises many questions that we can to ponder about. It is not surprising that we may be emphasising on eugenics in the future. After all, the concept of perfection has always been a goal in the mind of many. So, technology will eventually be used to achieve this.

This may be a conventional view, but what is so flawed about humanity that we need to keep improving, or even go to the extent of manipulating our genes? Can a future hold a perfect race? If so, how will humanity change?

Our imperfections do have its beautiful side, and trying to constantly improve human beings may remove this. This is when we have to decide whether we want to let go of what we have and “improve” to survive. Survival of the fittest is a natural selection theory. Yet, mankind is trying to intervene, to use our own technology to select “naturally” – is this process a naturally one or a disruptive one? 

Story Telling was another topic shared with us. I thought it was a rather creative and hilarious presentation when the group members dressed up to bring us through the history of story telling, from the past to today. This presentation did bring a in a new perspective of things for I never imagined social networking sites to be considered a platform for story telling. I am rather excited for how story telling may evolve with new technology. The future methods to express or tell one’s story would be something to look forward to. 

Key Take Away Points (the 2 or 3 key messages from the session that you intend to keep in mind going forward)
One key message that sticks with me through the presentations is that change is happening rapidly. When we first hear of them, we develop an opinion, a judgment. We often fear the things that we are unfamiliar with, or that have been foreseen to have negative implications. However, I think we need to overcome this fear and keep and open mind (with caution). Otherwise, progress may be impeded.

change is happening rapidly

I think that once again, these presentations show us that technology is a tool. It is our decisions that matter. There definitely would be many benefits and problems with new technology. But, all of which are subjected to the choice of usage of the technology.

Issues for Further Discussion (stuff you wish had been considered or given more air-time in class – and why)

I am curious about what lies in the future for story telling. I think that this technology is very applicable in our daily lives and I really am looking forward to what else could be in place for it in future.

Personal Ratings for Session (how you would rate the session on a scale of 0 to 10. Feel free to be as subjective as you like in your assessment)
It was fascinating to learn so much more about these new technologies. I think all groups have done a great job. I would rate this session a 7/10.

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